Lab Intro:

Location: Stoeckel Hall, Rm. 401/402

1). First, check that your Yale ID works for swipe access into Rms. 401/402 and Rm. 404.  If it doesn’t work, be sure to email Dr. A.

2). Then, your Lab TF will take a few minutes to provide an overview of the workstations in Rm. 401-402, including the location of the notation programs Dorico, Finale and Sibelius.

3). Next, your Lab TF will touch on Homework Quiz #1. The full instructions are here.  Be sure to carefully review both Question #4 and Question #5.

4). Begin working on Scoring Project #1 – String Excerpts

5). Download the file: file from the Music 414 Canvas site.

6). Open the file, then use the various files to complete your assignment.

7). For Excerpts 1, 2, 3 & 4 complete each score file as instructed here.